John 19: The Victorious Kingdom
Join me as I read through and reflect on the Gospel of John.
Who is your king — Jesus or Caesar?
The Jews chose the latter option because they preferred the status quo rather than a radically countercultural kingdom.
I sense that they were embarrassed by Jesus. They brought him to Pilate as a dangerous criminal, but Pilate dismissed their fears as worthless by finding no basis for a charge against Him. Instead, he mocked them by calling Him their king and dressing Him in mock royal garb.
Pilate had no desire to kill this innocent man; he only wanted to make an example of Him. He may have claimed to be a relativist, but he still clearly had reservations about Jesus, especially when His claim to divinity was revealed.
But, in the end, politics seemingly won out.
The people chose to kill Jesus to secure Caesar’s rule. Little did they know they were playing a small part in a greater plan.
For the True King was enacting His will. What was this King’s desire? It was to take up His cross, lay down His life, and finish His Father’s good and perfect work. Everything the people intended for evil only served to fulfill the Father’s plan.
Jesus went willingly, and as soldiers divided His clothes, He ministered to a dear woman who was losing her son. He made this wrong right even amid this agony.
Then, once His Father’s work was complete, He willingly gave up His Spirit. It was not taken from Him. Thus, even in His death, He was triumphant.
His is the victorious kingdom. Therefore, worship Him alone.