John 4: Thirst No More

Join me as I read through and reflect on the Gospel of John.

Joe Boettcher
2 min readMar 24, 2023

Come, you who are thirsty but realize that nothing in this world can truly satisfy your thirst. Everything under the sun will only make you thirsty again.

So, you can keep quibbling about this detail and that. You can keep feeding your own appetite until you die. Or you can turn to the only true Source of living water — water that will give you eternal life!

But the thing about this life-giving water is you can’t have it along with the sources of death. These sins — these many husbands — seek to divide your heart so that you are destroyed. So, get rid of them and instead worship the Giver of living water in spirit and in truth.

The truth is this: He is our salvation, and that’s all that matters.

Hearts are primed to hear this message. The harvest is plentiful, but I struggle to believe that truth in this cynical world. I’m dragged down by the weight of selfishness and fear. Comfort is the safer food, but it is empty. The food that will really nourish is gospel conversations. It is proclaiming this truth that I know so well and pointing to the Lamb of God who takes away our sins. That’s the good stuff.

Lord, teach me to meet people where they’re at and speak the truth in love to them. Help me to overcome this fear and complacency and feast instead on seeing your kingdom come to this world. May that be my daily bread — that you would be praised more and more by the hearts you’ve drawn to you.

He is the God of miraculous signs and wonders. So, let us take Him at His word, that we will see his glory as we take steps of faith. And let us worship Him as we do.




Joe Boettcher
Joe Boettcher

Written by Joe Boettcher

Of all my skills my greatest by far has to be my impeccable ability to consistently finish stron

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